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Monday, June 25, 2007

E85 pollution: Good to go

Your state government has issued a final air pollution permit to E85, Inc. so that it can build an ethanol plant and further screw up the air over Newark by sending into it "92 tons a year of nitrogen oxides, 88 tons a year of carbon monoxide, 89.4 tons a year of solvents (volatile organic compounds), 68.3 tons a year of dust (particulate emissions) and 46.9 tons a year of sulfur dioxide," according to a web report by WCLT.

What gets me most is the reassurance in the report that: "These levels will be protective of public health and the environment."

You don't have to be very smart to know that's a lie - and you don't have to be very perceptive to know it was swallowed whole by local media.

What's protective is no more pollution. But people are used to government lies reasserted by media without question - because of media ineptitude, laziness and its crazed need for more businesses, no matter what the cost.

Apparently the resistance to this project has gone belly-up. Nobody cares enough to get off their butts, so the beat goes on.


  1. Before you call someone a liar why don't you do the research yourself.

    It was from a press release issued from the Ohio EPA.


    Are they liars too?

  2. Please note that I didn't doubt the accuracy of the the WCLT report. I am critical of the EPA statement and I don't like it because the report didn't go on to get another opinion about whether dumping all that crap into the air should be considered "protective of public health, etc." And yes, they are liars.
