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Monday, November 5, 2007

One citizen's perspective on the 11/6/07 ballot

Newark City Schools- Additional levy of 4.5 mills. No. Squeeze the fat and live with it, as I am doing as a private citizen trying to pay my own expenses. Schools' unwillingness to limit spending while placing the penalty for that on property owners is both irresponsible and foolish. The longer it goes on the more ill will schools are making for themselves.

City Charter Amendment - No. This issue would fine tune the way in which council presidents' and council members' vacancies are filled, which would be okay. But it also increases from $20,000 to $25,000 the minimum at which competitive bidding is required. Competitive bidding causes our government employees more work, but gee whiz, competitive bidding saves tax dollars. Government bidding process should kick in at $5,000, not at $25,000 as this amendment would have it.

Municipal Court Clerk - Marcia Phelps. As a public servant Marcia gets an A+ for trying to do things right. And of the three county commissioners, she is the only one I would hate to see leave. But Marcia wants the clerk's job and she's earned it.

Newark Mayor - Diebold because, well, for two reasons.

Newark City Council President - Marc Guthrie because Marc has done an excellent job leading oftentimes difficult compatriots. He's smart, experienced, non-partisan, and most of all he's honest and open. He's come down on what I consider to be the wrong side of a few issues, but stuff happens, and maybe we can educate him. Anyway, Marc has the mark of a good future mayor.

Council At Large - Frank Stare and Ryan Bubb. Frank because he was a good mayor and he would be a good councilman. Anyway, if he is convicted on the soliciting charge and has to leave council his election would nevertheless be good news for non-partisan politics. (I wrote about that possibility here.) Ryan because he's not Irene Kennedy or David Rhodes, but you have three choices, so flip a coin.

Council Seventh Ward - Carol Floyd. I know her as good people from her days as a teacher. Let's see if she can rise above the political crap and the good ol' boys of City Council and aggressively represent the Seventh Ward. Her opponent, Ronald Mitchell Sr., has been impressive in his campaign statements so I think for the first time in many years the Seventh Ward is going to have good representation, no matter which candidate wins.

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