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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

TV news: A report on a reporter

Here's a note I received from Dave Levingston, a photographer whose work is featured in one of the Newark Tea Party Galleries ...

"I've often said that TV News is an oxymoron. Living in the area of Dayton TV stations I get frequent reminders of that truth.

"I just saw a 5-minute (I'm not exaggerating here) news report on a swing set being blown over in a back yard in Piqua. One of the high points was the 'victim' of this 'natural disaster' describing what happened, 'It was a windy wind,' he said. The report concluded with the alleged reporter informing the TV audience that people in Piqua were 'amazed' that the wind could do such things. The report also included the comment by the reporter that people in the area were still cleaning up the damage...accompanied by footage of the man uprighting his swing set.

"All true...I swear. I couldn't make this stuff up.

"Just thought you'd enjoy that. I seldom watch the local news because it's just too expensive...what with throwing things at the TV screen..."

Good report on the status of present-day reportage, Dave

By the way, Dave has taken a new challenge as photographer. For decades he has specialized in nudes against natures many backdrops. But he's been revisiting his interest in dance photography in recent weeks and publishing some of his images at his Blogger site, Exposed For The Shadows.

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