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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

More on the storage of government records

On April 3, 2008, I wrote an observation here suggesting that management and storage of local government records might be better accomplished by having those records scanned and stored digitally rather than provide a a new center to house them as was being considered by county commissioners.
Here's the link.

The piece inspired reader Denny Gilbert to write:

"One of my duties at my last post at the state auditor's office before emphysema struck me down was the oversight/management of all state of ohio land records, some dating back to 1803, thousands and thousands of past audits of units of government in Ohio and the storage and retention of a zillion or so of the state's cancelled warrants (checks).

"My Graphics Division had a Xerox Docutech. Therefore I know that machine / process quite well. The Docutech is a fantastic machine if the operators are very well trained and proficient in the operation of the machine!

"I was involved in securing a company to take the records, scan them in digitally and create indexes of the mass. I cannot remember the exact costs, but I feel really safe in saying the costs of creating digital records here would be incredibly less costly than any construction other than a pole barn!"

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