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Monday, April 21, 2008

Wal-Mart, you're stupider than they say

Wal-Mart is the country's fav whipping boy. It can't do anything right in the eyes of a national media; it is portrayed as a threatening giant from every perspective, and that idea has filtered down to Everyman, almost.

Perhaps it's merely an attempt to escape this media perception that influenced Wal-Mart to join big-city mayors on controlling gun ownership by making a video record of the all gun sales, which the store will keep on file and will effectively create a video database of gun purchasers.

Also, Wal-Mart employees will be given discretion to deny firearms purchases to anyone who has had a firearm traced by BATFE for any reason.

The NRA news release about this quotes a Wal-Mart executive as saying: “The costs are, we think, part of what it takes to be responsible ... This is not a signal that we're getting out of firearms."

Really? Perhaps more so than Wal-Mart might suspect. And likely it won't be selling as much of anything to the NRA faithful as it has been.

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