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Thursday, July 10, 2008

A major implication of higher property tax

Voters who rent their homes or apartments will be affected by the outcome of the August 5th school levy request.

If the taxes are raised by 9.5 mills, as will be proposed at the polls, renters almost surely will feel the squeeze as a way of relief to the landlords. That's a point easily missed by renters who don't get the connection between the cost of owning and the cost of renting.

Because the vote is scheduled August 5th instead of regular election day, it will cost Newark School District about $40,000. And why would the schools, who say they can't afford to properly bus students to school and back spend $40,000 on a special election? Why that would be because it is a direct and shameless attempt to squeeze out a full vote and limit it to the beneficiaries: teachers, employees, administrators, and parents.

Folks who can't attend the August 5th election can vote by absentee ballot. I've explained how to do that and offered links to previous essays on this deceptive move by Newark Schools at this link.

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