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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Pride Parade: Flaunting raunchy junk

The Columbus, Ohio "gay pride" parade has been accurately defined as a "burlesque show" which lacks "consideration of the general public" and "emulate(s) mostly false values about the gay community."

That was written by a homosexual as a letter to the editor of the Columbus Dispatch, published 7/5/08.

The letter of John A. Rovenolt demonstrates that not all homosexuals believe it necessary to shove into society's collective face the implications of what homosexuals do with their sexual organs. Folks like me who are puke sick of reading about people flaunting their sexual preferences and who object to having this raunchy junk showcased where children can see it, will find a lot to agree with in what Rovenolt says.

Consenting adults can do as they will in private, and I certainly don't care what it is, but homosexuality as such is neither news nor is it important nor is it to be celebrated in public, and it's past time when the Dispatch and other mass media understand that.

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