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Friday, October 24, 2008

Remove the tools for inappropriate behavior

It may have been only inappropriate behavior, but the student who recently distributed nude photos of herself via cell phone has called into question the Ohio law under which she was threatened as a sex predator, which is a good thing.

Still, what she did - and what lots of other kids are probably doing - is inappropriate behavior made possible by having access to the right tools.

So why are today's children permitted to have cell phones anyway? Particularly, why do they have them at school?

But if cell phones open doors to inappropriate behavior, what about home computers? How do you solve that one?

Well, what you do is put the kid's home computer in the living room or kitchen with the monitor in plain view to the rest of the family.

Another major facilitator of inappropriate behavior is the automobile. I had three children and the oldest one taught me about that at age 16. The second two did not get licenses until they were almost 18, proving it can be done.

Parents who know what their kids are doing - and with which tools - can head off much of their inappropriate behavior, even if it requires constant attention and lots of effort.

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