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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Yeah, but I'm still with Howard

Yesterday I wrote here about campaign funding for state representative candidates Hottinger and Hill. The information came from the Advocate web site and turned out to be incomplete.

Keith W. Hare of Granville caught the errors and made corrections in the comments section, so if you're interested in the details, please go read what he said at this link.

Michael Shearer, Advocate editor, also commented to the effect that the newspaper's database had been brought up to date as of yesterday, but it still doesn't jibe with figures provided by Mr. Hare who got his from the Ohio Secretary of State.

Mr. Hare reports campaign expenditures of $13,059 for Hill; $169,410 for Hottinger. So the presumption I used - that nobody owns Howard Hill and many have purchased Jay Hottinger - has been shot down.

Even so, the point by Mr. Hare - that the top seven of Hottinger's donors kicked in $72,680 and that they are all from out of state - says something about whether Jay has been - and will if elected - exclusively represent the interests of folks in Licking County as should be the case.

I still think Howard will do a better job for the Licking County commoner if he is elected.

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