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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Media racists can't ignore the color of skin

Today's achievement by Barack Obama is lessened considerably by racist overtones painted upon it by the media herd that refuses to let go of the fact that our President's skin is not white.

Consider the lead on this morning's AP inaugural wrap-up: "Stepping into history, Barack Hussein Obama grasps the reins of power as America's first black president..."

But at the mention of Bush, five paragraphs later, failed to identify him as white, though he's about as white (on the outside) as anyone can get.

Anyway, Mr. Obama is not "black" and only half "African American." If AP really cares what Mr. Obama is, it would take a few seconds to find, as I did, exactly what he is at Wikipedia where AP might be surprised to learn that of his parents, Mr. Obama said: "my father ... was black as pitch, my mother white as milk."

Kind of disappointing, huh, racist media?

I wrote 8/30/08 about the inequitable treatment between skin colors of blackness and whiteness as the racist media reported on the affairs of Obama and McCain. Here's a little part of that essay (The whiteness of McCain eludes media):

"Will the Advocate have a story on the whiteness of McCain? How proud whites are that he's a candidate? Nobody is whiter than McCain. Do you think you're doing blacks a favor by keeping the race issue up front? Will there ever be a time when media will let America forget the various colors of skin, none of which, by the way, are black or white?"

That America is as race conscious as ever is not the fault of you or me, not the fault of the NAACP nor any number of idiot white supremacists. It is the fault of that ignorant herd of racists in the media that simply cannot get past the color of skin.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for acknowledging that while Bush may be white on the outside, he's a true brutha on the inside.
