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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Obama's presidency is a breath of fresh air

The longer the presidency of Mr. Obama, the more I am convinced that he will be the one to bring to that office accountability and transparency, as he promised to do - the antithesis of Bush and the others before him.

Today he brought on-line a web site called recovery.gov and here you can learn where the "stimulus" money is going. This is the way Mr. Obama introduced it:

"Recovery.gov is a website that lets you, the taxpayer, figure out where the money from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is going. There are going to be a few different ways to search for information. The money is being distributed by Federal agencies, and soon you'll be able to see where it's going -- to which states, to which congressional districts, even to which Federal contractors. As soon as we are able to, we'll display that information visually in maps, charts, and graphics."

Also, there's a feedback link where folks can share how the Recovery Act affects them.

What a wonderful, amazing breath of fresh air.


  1. No disrespect to you sir, you are educated and make many good points. Obama being a breath of fresh air is not one. With the litany of criminals insiders and lobbyists, it took the prez just 20 days to break 89% of his campaign promises. With assults on the th 1st 2nd 4th 10th and the firm ass-wiping of the bill of rights this country is about to see, the obama administration will be even more hated than bush. Most will not say anything for fear of not being part of the big change, or even worse, being labeled a racist. Compulsory service, youth corps, the continuation of the bush domestic spying programs, these are not American social programs. These are the classical tactics of men like Stalin, Hitler and Mao. If you think that is insane.... You"ve forgotten history and are now doomed to repeat it. In a very painful way, because, I don"t have to tell anyone how those regimes turned out. Demonize the right, then use fervent idealism and an economic crisis to usher in the fascist left. Italy, Germany, Russia, China. They have all come to power this way. PLEASE WAKE UP!!! THE REPUBLIC NEEDS SMART ARTICULATE MEN LIKE YOU!!!!!

  2. Thanks for your comments Craig, and the compliments to me.

  3. Just have to chime in to disagree with Craig. I'm not seeing evidence to support his allegations. I'm a skeptic, but like you, Bruce, what I'm seeing tends to make me have some hope. What I'm disturbed about is the way the Republicans are still playing the old political games instead of trying to work with this new administration to solve the serious problems the Bush administration created for the country.

    I like having two political parties pretty evenly divided in Washington. That keeps stuff from getting done and most of what does get done in Washington is bad for everyone. But the current problems with the economy demand action by the government. If the Republicans keep obstructing what must be done I fear there will be far fewer of them in Washington after the next election.
