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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Green jobs are coming - whatever they may be

“Green” is to be adored these days, so it’s little wonder that “green jobs” are to be revered and they are coming at us.

If you’re a working stiff, you should want one; if you’re a government grunt or an entrepreneur you should want to provide them. It’s the thing to do because, for one thing, it appears the force of Obama will be behind you.

There’s something new called “The Middle Class Task Force” and that’s a catchy name. “Middle class,” is almost as good as “green,” now that the Republicans have been sidelined.

So when it came up this morning on the White House Blog I followed the link from there to the page about it’s meeting 2/27/09 in Philadelphia because it said, these folks were trying to “figure out how to make sure that our recovery from the current economic crisis benefits the middle class.”

The links on that page will provide an interesting read to anyone who wants to look into the future and learn about the forces beginning to take hold.

You can read the Task Force's first full report. If you do, you may be struck, as was I, with the realization that nobody knows what a green job is. In fact, the report itself says “There is no official or even widely-accepted definition of what constitutes a green job. This is not necessarily a disadvantage, as we seek to provide a broad, ‘lay-of-the-land’ survey in this report. However, to have a coherent discussion about green jobs, we need to define some characteristics that broadly define them.”

No matter what they turn out to be, we’re going to have them - because, by golly, America is now green and middle-class.

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