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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

President Obama’s army marches on

President Obama has so far exceeded my highest expectations and he’s still on the up-tick. This is partly because of his army of campaigners. They are still active and Obama continues to nourish them. 

Because he has multitudes of common people on the march, he can expect a much more cooperative congress. As Greg Schultz, Ohio state Director for Organizing for America, put it: “We can't stop growing our movement now. We've never had a better opportunity to shape our future -- and just like during the election, we'll do it from the bottom up.”

Greg is currently conducting throughout this state a series of “Listening Tour meetings,” during which organizers discuss lessons learned during the general campaign and hear citizens’ ideas for improvement.

Currently none of these meetings is scheduled for Newark, but there is one in Zanesville on May 19. Sign-up and info sheet is at this link. The contact is Michell Domke, 614 221 6563.


I check the White House blog almost daily. From it I get the unfiltered (by media reporters and gatekeepers), precise, and well-written facts about what Mr. Obama is doing and why. I highly recommend it to anyone who cares about this country and how it’s being run. 

It was at this site on April 15, 2009, that the President and the Vice President published their tax returns. Here’s the link to that blog.

Today’s blog entry explains the President’s rationale for ending torture by the CIA. Yesterday, there was a report about his first cabinet meeting and how the he is waving money on behalf of taxpayers. Here’s the White House fact sheet on that.

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