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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Legislators, amputate this taxpayer tit

Now that the editorial clout of newspapers is a thing of the past, maybe Ohio legislators will have the courage to cut off the taxpayer tit defined as “legal advertising.” It was always an overkill in costly verbiage; today it is foolish waste.

It has always been overkill because of the unnecessary requirement to reproduce the lawyer talk which - as anyone who’s ever tried to read this stuff can easily determine - is virtually incomprehensible and, except for the barest summary, is unnecessary. Take, for example, surveyor descriptions in foreclosure ads. Beefcake for newspaper publishers; available by reference to court records to anyone who needs it. That’s a decades-long rip-off by newspapers, paid for by taxes, courtesy of politicians.

These days it’s an abundantly apparent waste because it can and should - for easier access and comprehension - be published at no charge to taxpayers on the web.

USA Today published an article about the trend that will eventually amputate this taxpayer tit. Read it here.

Ohio legislators can now safely support it, because newspaper readers are jumping ship and the ship’s editorialists are passing gas to empty pews.


  1. "passing gas to empty pews"!!
    now there's a line that should win you a place in bartlett's!

  2. At least that much recognition.
