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Monday, September 28, 2009

Here’s a way to spank a deer

Since Newark’s bureaucracy is still years late on bumbling its way into a solution for the deer nuisance that bedevils citizens, here’s a stop-gap remedy.

You can use a .22 rifle loaded with #12 shot shells at about 150 feet to sting their butts. These shells are commonly used to kill snakes and birds, thus they are mostly referred to as “bird-shot shells.”

I made a test shot today on a piece of cardboard. At about 50 yards the little BBs made dents in it, but didn’t even pierce it. That’s a good alternative for people like me who don’t want to injure the deer marauders, but who are not going to wait to be “saved” by the city.

1 comment:

  1. another way is to drive on Price Road or Welsh Hills Road. If it's at night, and you don't pay attention to the side of the road, you'll be sure to hit one within a week! You can help take care of the problem one deer and car at a time! Come to think of it...maybe this deer thing is just a scam from the insurance and car companies!!!
