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Friday, November 6, 2009

Dismantling of the Zoo - Election Reflection #2

A political scientist likely would find a great case study in how and by whom Heath voters were recently motivated. How did the great Waugh Zoo muster its support for the shakedown of motorists? And how was it shot out of the saddle by a few Freedom Fighters?

I don’t have the answers, particularly as regards the endorsement of the Waugh Zoo by the Chamber of Commerce when anyone with any sense knows Heath businesses were getting hurt by the lowered traffic flow and money spent on traffic tickets. All the Chamber had to do was to ask the right people instead of hiding behind a half-baked member “survey” to find out what was happening in Heath.

Several business owners, it turns out, were donating dollars and moral support to the Freedom Fighters, but precious few had the courage to openly buck the Good Ol’ Boys.

The business shake-out won’t be finalized until next year. After Christmas we’ll know the effect of removing hundreds of thousands of dollars from the Heath economy and sending it to Waugh & Co. If it’s as bad as I think, there may be a lot of retail space for rent along Ohio 79.

The Chamber and it’s flock of sheep (including the Advocate) chose to ignore all this - and that, I think, is a tribute to Mayor Waugh.

Mr. Waugh is a man I never heard of before he teamed with the Redflex Aussies. So how did he merit such a noisy, if not wide, backing? Well, follow the money ...

Every single employee of the City of Heath stood to take a cut of the pie. Every vendor and every potential vendor for Heath stood to get fatter. Every person who dines at or uses or admires the Davis-Shai House could look forward to getting more public money poured into their little country club; all these individuals plus their relatives and friends, living in and out of Heath. Then there’s the most obvious of beneficiaries: Redflex employees.

Quite a web, just interested in the profits. Throw in political cronies interested in maintaining power, allow all these folks to comment anonymously from behind user names, without even identifying their personal associations, relationships, or profit motives, and you have created an unbridled, loud-mouthed, unreasonable cheering section for “traffic safety.”

In view of all that, isn’t it rather amazing that one pissed-off individual could muster a little group of Freedom Fighters that dismantled the Waugh Zoo?

Yes it is. More on that later.

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