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Monday, December 28, 2009

Newark’s spot in cyberspace

Mark Spearman is a local computer guy who observed on his web site the difference in severity of punishment for David Ball, who got 17 years in prison on 10 counts of home invasion, and Joseph C. McClain, who got five years in prison for 25 counts of grand theft. Ball likely netted pocket change; according to Spearman’s essay, McClain took $475,000 from 40 people. Read it here: When stealing, please be real nice about it

Beyond that accurate observation about local justice in action, Mark continues to expand his web sites in helpful ways. Particularly recommended is Newark Ohio links Here you’ll find a directory of links indexed by area of interest, a section of which under Newark Ohio News Feeds, includes Craig’s List postings germane to Newark.

There is also an extensive list of local bloggers and community web sites, with a little description of each.

This service is particularly appreciated for anyone interested in staying current with as many Internet postings by local people as possible. As one who’s been in it a long time, writing in cyberspace is like dropping a shoe in the ocean and hoping someone will find it who cares. Now Mark has at least begun an index of shoe-droppers, and anyone who’s not listed there should make contact with Mark and let him know.

Another thing Mark inadvertently alerted me to is a list of local folks who publish on Twitter. When he began “following” me at this time-wasting site, I checked the others he “follows” and found a decent roster of fellow Tweeters wasting time on Twitter. You can go to Mark’s Twitter page at this link and get a list of who he’s following, and you can also check out the local people I follow at this link.

Anyway, hats off to Mark for the work he’s doing to list and index a broad range of people and things. I hope someday he will bring all his sites and publications under one supreme index page because the only criticism I have is that they are not easily found.

There is also another extensive list of local links on the web site nerk.com The takeoff point for this broad index is now tied to blogspot at this address.

1 comment:

  1. I heard that twitter was actually started as a practical joke that got out of hand. I know that's true because I read it on the internet. ;-)
