Tuesday, March 2, 2010

It’s time to force a move

“Resident Lesa Best listed more than 20 properties at Monday’s Newark City Council Meeting that she has complained to the city’s property maintenance department about for three years without significant enforcement.

“This is your responsibility, but I ... just see a lot of excuses.”

[Copied from the 3/2/10 print edition of the Advocate. If it was on-line, I couldn’t find it.]

That encounter at City Hall should have gotten more attention because Lesa is aiming for the right target: non-enforcement of city ordinances, though she and others have brought it to the attention of Council in various ways for YEARS.

There is only one way to clean up this city and that is by using the laws that Council has already passed, as I wrote 2/12/10 (Get rid of trash by enforcing the laws)

It is the mayor’s legal responsibility to ensure that city laws are enforced, as specified in the City Charter. Forcing the mayor to do his job should be the next item on the agenda of Lesa, Council, and local media.

This has gone on long enough.

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