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Friday, January 11, 2008

Health merger veto: More farting around from the bureaucratic fringe

As though to prove that public affairs of Newark are forever going to be managed by bush-league mentality, new mayor Bob Diebold is threatening an attempt to derail one of the most significant improvements to local government within recent years, maybe longer.

Only three days after city council voted 9-1 to merge the city health department with that of the county, Diebold floats a veto balloon. Never mind that this proposal would end duplication of services and probably lead to more grant money for the betterment of the whole county.

No. Diebold has begun anew the whining about how much it will cost the city, and relinquishment of power over delivery of health services and employees - all of which was evident long before the council vote.

Diebold has the backing of Marc Guthrie, president of council. “I have had concerns about this for a long time,” Guthrie said (as reported by the Advocate). “I think if this brings more public discussion to this thing, that might not be all bad.”

This, though there has been public discussion, and planning, and news articles, and commentary for years. Yeah. That's what we need more of.

At last city council gets ready to act. No kickback, balloons, hacking from either Diebold or Guthrie before or during the lead-up to the vote. Now this: more farting around from the bureaucratic fringe.

They never rest, never see beyond the city limits, never really understand what government is about, never get beyond the politics involved with anything.

Little wonder then they can't see this as an improvement for the entire county toward which Newark should be pleased and proud to contribute. Newark itself will, as mentioned here yesterday (City council creates more with less), be delivering the same services with less government, obviously not a consideration for Diebold or Guthrie.

I don't think a veto has a chance, but if the mayor even attempts it, successful or not, he's made a lasting statement about his wisdom and skill in the management of public affairs.

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