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Monday, June 9, 2008

Earmarks: the Washington hog trough

Among the most important freedoms that citizens gave away to government is control over the money they earn. Most is sent to Washington bureaucracy where it is disbursed in ways that would be amusing if it were someone else's money.

"Earmarking" our money for specific projects and political interests is a budgetary end-run which is commonly practiced and evermore expensive.

SourceWatch encyclopedia says earmarks "are typically handed out as favors in exchange for votes on key pieces of legislation by party leaders and appropriations chairmen."

Ohio legislators, as a group, are doing their share at the hog trough - $305 million this year, according to an Associated Press report in yesterday's Advocate.

Another report in the Columbus Dispatch yesterday told how Voinovich, Ohio's own "chief deficit hawk," did his part to balance the budget by making off in the night with $18.7 million for his folks back home in Ohio. He also co-sponsored another $171 million for other states.

Let the meaning of "oink" start to rule Ohio's voting booths.

1 comment:

  1. Is there nothing we can do? what do you suggest? I can't stand this anymore! Do we need to revolt and march in the streets? will writing our legislators matter? How can we get the Congress to drop all the pork benefits they receive just for being a member if only one year? ARGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!Barbara
