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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Guns: Score one against the Loony Left

The gun issue decided by the Supreme Court in a 5-4 vote was, simply, do individuals have the right to own guns?

What amazes me is that any level of government in this country could ever make a law that assumes individuals don't have that right, that the right to own guns belongs exclusively to militia, which is to say to government.

It is absurd to believe that the revolutionaries who wrote our Constitution for lasting freedom - and who were guarding against oppressive government in the Amendments - were, in the Second Amendment, giving a monopoly on gun ownership to government.

That this issue has been settled at last is little comfort. Government has all but taken over our lives and tightens its grip with each new law, while the Loony Left cheers.

If that upsets you, read this.

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