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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

To the rich and powerful ...

Here's the thing that the rich and powerful can't understand: When they bully lesser folks, as are Gib and Sarah, they will lose even if they win. The folks they're bullying - people who claim to own land over which Gib and Sarah also claim - will win even if they lose.

Being bullied has only strengthened their will, these folks who've re-set barriers on the old railroad bed.

You think it's a civil case, Sheriff Thorp? Keep on sucking up as a Gib Reese ringer, and I think you'll reconsider. It may get criminal before you get off your butt. Those guys are digging in, as I read it in the Advocate's latest report Residents set up camp on proposed path.

So much of this controversy demands explanation, because it simply doesn't make sense. For instance, why does the ASSISTANT LAW DIRECTOR OF NEWARK get to rule on enforcement of some yet-be-decided legitimacy of Gib/Sarah possible infringement of property rights when it isn't even a Newark question? And why the assistant and not THE NEWARK LAW DIRECTOR MAN?

And why would the Advocate editorialists suddenly switch to the program script which calls for Bike path should be allowed to go forward? Well, because Gib is calling in his cards, setting up his ringers, perhaps?

And why would the executive director of the Heath-Newark-Licking County Port Authority say "I think the fair thing to all involved is for folks to stop using these blogs and forums to rile up readers on the property rights issue. Please stop."

Well, because they don't have to and they shouldn't. Ringer, please stop.

So stuff it, rich and powerful, because as I said, even if you win, you still lose.

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