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Monday, August 4, 2008

Voters may be angry enough to get the job done

Tomorrow, 8/5/08, is the shootout between the big spenders at Newark Schools and already over-taxed property holders. That's when we vote on whether to provide an additional $7.5 million per year toward a higher standard of living for school teachers and administrators.

To tip the odds in their favor, the superintendent and school board agreed to spend $40,000 to stage this vote when they think most voters will be inclined to stay home. Even if this request for higher taxes would seem to be justified (which it doesn't) I'd vote against it because of the sneaky way it has been scheduled.

I wrote on 5/13/08 about the unfairness of giving voters the end-run on tax issues. (Newark School administrators: You don't have to trick us with an August vote)

I wrote on 6/12/08 about calling Newark Schools' bluff on the threat of state supervision if the levy didn't pass. (State supervision of Newark Schools? Bring it on)

On 11/5/07 I wrote in regard to the city schools' request for 4.5 mills that was defeated the following day: "Squeeze the fat and live with it, as I am doing as a private citizen trying to pay my own expenses. Schools' unwillingness to limit spending while placing the penalty for that on property owners is both irresponsible and foolish. The longer it goes on the more ill will schools are making for themselves."

Since then, the plight of the taxpayer has grown substantially worse. And I think the public perception of Newark School District has grown substantially worse.

All of which leads me to believe that voters are ready to reject this outlandishly high and ill-timed request to spend another $7.5 million on a school system that has fewer students and seems to be failing to get the educational job done.

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