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Friday, May 1, 2009

Newark Schools’ need for levy is unproven

Three events that have gone unreported and/or under-reported by the Advocate suggest that likely there is no need for a property tax increase, the goal of NCS.

One is that NCS superintendent said, in an Advocate report 4/21/09 Superintendent outlines Newark district's future, recent sacrifices (video) that raises to “staff” would be among the uses for a hike in homeowners’ tax bills if the levy passes.

This comes at the same time many property owners are losing their jobs and losing their homes (in part because of real estate taxes) and state government workers are taking 10 days without pay for the next two years, in addition to wage freezes.

The second is that a comparison with similar districts, as reported by the Advocate 4/26/09, How do Newark schools compare? demonstrates that NCS is not financially disadvantaged compared to the others. 

The newspaper gave readers a link to a spread sheet in which the similar districts are compared but it failed to otherwise mention some findings that I think are important. One is that Newark’s District Local Tax Effort was highest of the six districts. Another is our local District Instructional Expenditure Per Pupil is the lowest of the six, even though the NCS District Classroom Teachers’ Average Salary is the highest ($55,330.67).

The third is in regard to the additional state and federal money coming to NCS. I reported 4/17/09 Ohio House Dems break out school funding revise that a district-by-district estimate of Ohio Democrats’ school-funding revise would bring an additional 9.3% to NCS coffers during the next two fiscal years. That amount includes certain of the federal stimulus funds (poor students - Title I, and special education students - IDEA).

The Ohio House recently passed that bill and the word from Jay Hottinger’s office is that those estimates were unchanged. That bill could be changed by the Senate but, until its final passage, the figures comprise the only estimate we have.

In view of these facts - even if there were no war between the community and its school administration (How to stop the war between NCS and Newark taxpayers) - more money for “staff” raises will be a hard sell. 

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