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Thursday, February 19, 2009

How to stop the war between NCS and Newark taxpayers

The news that Newark City Schools officials say they will restore some bussing if only property owners will provide them with another 7.5 mills was met with predictable anger in the Advocate comments column (2/19/09).

This demonstrates to my satisfaction that school board members, the superintendent, the strategizers and counselors, the cheering section, and the Advocate, after all this time, have learned nothing about voter mentality, nothing about what has everyone so angry and rebellious. Nothing at all.

The reason they haven't learned anything is simple. In order to deal with it, they would first have to deal with their own egos. They have to admit they are wrong, that they have been wrong and that they are offering no real relief. Only more phony theatrics. They're still playing games and everyone knows it and they're not smart enough to know everyone knows it.

The community is at war with its school board and its superintendent and the war runs deeper than the tax burden. The war certainly isn't about whether or not we all want good schools, good and well-paid teachers, and adequate facilities. No. The war has to do with trust.

The community feels it is being blackmailed and bullied and lied to, and in my opinion it dislikes the superintendent because taxpayers perceive him - accurately or not - as the blackmailer, the bully and the liar.

So, what's it going to take to end this war? I think it's going to take two things. The first is Keith Richards' departure. That means A) school board members must either admit they are wrong in their blind support of him, or B) we're going to have to elect a new school board, which will take some time.

The second is the assurance by whomever replaces Richards that our tax burden is being spent wisely - and that, too, is going to take some time. This person must be a good listener and a saver rather than a spender and taxpayers have to believe that. It's pretty simple.

Once the slate has been cleaned and once the school administration has listened to taxpayers and once the new superintendent has revamped and cut and cleaned house - and most of all demonstrate honesty and transparency - the war will end.

We will get back on track, the Newark City Schools will regain the entire community's good will, its cooperation, and its pride - just like the old days. I really want that to happen and happen quickly.

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