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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Backfire: When “safety” equals “hog trough”

Two overlooked facts about Heath traffic cameras:

1 - Heath was a long stretch of agricultural land built to a hugely profitable enterprise because Rt. 79 passes through.

During the years since Heath was a corn field, ODOT, politicians, and business interests have ignored the obvious solution to “traffic safety,” which would be to build a bypass for SR 79 around Heath and Newark.

Rt. 79 traffic brought millions of dollars to Heath businesses; now greed has overtaken common sense, resulting in a traffic-ticket hog trough. It is fitting and gratifying that the scheme is back-firing. Rt. 79 has become the precise reason people are avoiding Heath businesses.

2 - Redflex of Australia has been lucky so far: Nobody has yet shot out (or otherwise disabled) these bottomless ATM troughs feeding Heath government hogs.


  1. I hear there are Nikon D2x's in those traffic cam boxes...in NYC they've been stealing them...hmmmm....

  2. Dave, you're stirring the pot. :)
