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Monday, August 3, 2009

With new managers, NCS will revive

Since the announced change in NCS superintendents there has been a cease-fire from critics of Newark Schools’ methods and motives. In November, voters could make it permanent.

Count me among those who intend to support the new superintendent as long as he proves worthy; also the new treasurer. I am assuming they will make wise decisions for the benefit of students, parents, and taxpayers. I am assuming they will be honest and open in all NCS affairs.

The honeymoon is on, which is a great time for the community to reflect on the rough times of the past few years. It hasn’t been pretty, it hasn’t been fun, and the schools lost a lot of goodwill and community support.

We need to reflect on it because the NCS board played a leading role in this unhappy time. They made - or supported - many unwise decisions. They seemed supremely incompetent as money managers and administrators.

The November election will open the way for voters to make corrections as they fill the positions currently held by Bline, Carr, and Ingold. As the Advocate reminded us yesterday, school board “candidates must turn in their petitions with the required number of signatures ... by 4 p.m. Aug. 20 to the Board of Elections.”

That we are not in a state of turmoil at the moment is a great advantage to our chances of finding candidates for those seats who are good managers rather than angry activists.

We need board members who are qualified as business administrators, able to manage money and spend our tax burden wisely. We need board members who will be leaders and not bobble heads for the superintendent. If we get them and if our new superintendent is the genuine article, we can look for much better times ahead: Not just a truce, but a new and welcomed beginning.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy reading your blog, and am ready to dump some tea overboard (or cut down some cherry trees, or perhaps fly a kite w/ a key in a lightning storm) w/ you!
