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Friday, March 30, 2007

If you want to make a difference, get off your butt

The concerns of people opposing the construction of an ethanol plant in Newark have been well-publicized. Folks came together in an organization they called CLEAN (search this blog for "CLEAN" and/or "ethanol") and asked questions that should concern everyone on that end of town, everyone who sympathizes with those folks, and everyone who thinks an ethanol plant is a worthless addition to this city.

The question is: will anyone get off their butt and talk back to city government?

Opponents were given some first-rate coat-tails to grab when Eme Lybarger visited for a public meeting recently. Representing the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, http://www.celdf.org/ she met with a relatively small and wet-rag group, judging by her reaction. She admitted that community response to the meeting left her pessimistic about the will of the community to fight off developers of the plant, or words to that effect.

To me, it's incredibly unfair that people should have to spend money and time to fight off an enterprise so silly and worthless as an ethanol plant - which is no more than another government-financed solution to a non-problem - one that makes no economic sense whatever, one being showcased as a way to "solve" an energy problem that doesn't exist by driving up corn prices AND most likely gasoline prices too - all of which will benefit ... who?

Mostly an investor from India who is the prime mover of E85, the ethanol company building these plants in various U.S. locations.

If, eventually, market forces determine that ethanol is indeed based on political flimflam, who will pay to have Newark's ethanol plant dismantled and cleaned up? Why, that would be the same taxpayers who cleaned up after the old refinery in Heath.

All that aside, the fact that the neighbors don't want this thing ought to be the measure by which it is judged by the city and all others. Representatives of the people - the mayor, the council, and all government regulators - ought not to have any conflicts about where their allegiance lies.

But they do. Politics is politics and money is money.

The people of Newark need to get off their collective butt and start doing more about their collective future.

Citizens are in charge here if, and only if, they will stand up and say so. To do that is to have the battle won.

People who want to make a difference need to read THE PRICE OF FREEDOM and then go make a difference.


  1. In all your motovational speaking, this one strikes me to be right up your ally. If you feel this city should ban togather and ward off oncoming ethanol plant get it going, go to the city council meetings, write letters, put up signs. I enjoy reading your blog, however sometimes I feel as though you are blowing hot air. Make a diffrence and help the city of Newark out.

    Riccardo Smith

  2. Sorry, I'm not the leader you need, due in part to time constraints. Anyway, it's the folks who are directly affected that have to make the difference here. If they can't, or won't, then maybe having a plant nearby isn't such a big deal after all.

    That "the people of Newark need to get off their collective butt..." was written as an opinion of the community in general. We all need to do more, myself included.

    As for "spewing crap in the Advocate forum," I regret having said that, and will remove it, and will maybe write something about why such "spewing" is indeed useful.

    Thanks for writing
