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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Thank you Zack Space for goosing Congress on criminal aliens

The incredible travesty against Americans on illegal immigration, wrought by President Bush and his mega-billion buddies, is being met head-on by at least one congressman. That is our own Zack Space (D-18).

Yesterday (3/15/08) Zack sent out the word to his peers that it's time to get off the pot and bring an end to this crisis.

I have for many months been writing about the screwing Bush and the rest of Washington is giving America by letting the invasion by criminal aliens continue. To review:
Criminal aliens: The losers are Mexico and Mexicans
Comment on immigration should be required reading
Zack Space report card so far: Big Attaboy
What's wrong, Bunky?
Zack sent out a news release yesterday that explains the legislation that has been road blocked by a do-less, careless, and unresponsive (except to mega-billionaires) U.S. Congress. Here's what he said:

WASHINGTON, DC – Tired of waiting on the House leadership to address America’s illegal immigration crisis, Congressman Zack Space (OH-18) today called upon them to advance a bill that would help combat the nation’s illegal immigration crisis. Space today joined a number of his colleagues in a letter demanding that Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer bring up pending legislation quickly that strengthens border security, increases interior enforcement, and cracks down on employers who hire illegal immigrants.

This legislation, the bipartisan Secure America Through Verification and Enforcement (SAVE) Act of 2007 (H.R. 4088), has been stalled since last year.

In the letter, Space and his colleagues pointed out that, “Illegal immigration and border security are high priorities for many Members and our constituents, and we fear that these issues have not been given the proper and necessary consideration in the House of Representatives.”

“My constituents are crying out for action on the illegal immigration issue,” Space said. “There is no doubt that the illegal immigration problem is placing an undue strain on our public resources and our job market.”

“When I traveled to the Mexican border last year, I saw firsthand how easy it is for people to sneak across, and that is completely unacceptable. We need swift and dramatic action to protect both our national security and our job security. I find it difficult to understand the delay,” Space continued.

Congressman Space has represented Ohio's 18th Congressional District since 2007. He is working to restore integrity to the office, expand Ohio's economy, and support renewable energy.

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