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Saturday, September 6, 2008

I'm voting against urinary incontinence and vaginal discharge

Against the better judgement of the NRA and a bunch of other conservative groups I believe in, I'm voting for Obama. I think I made that decision long before I knew who Democrats would put up against the Bushies. I think I made that decision just after President Bush was re-elected and began revealing his true nature.

I don't care who it is, I would vote for McCain's opponent because after you cut through the bull, there's just another George Bush with God knows what real agenda, smiling and making empty promises.

What a laugh, this guy. He spent the past two decades contributing as a Senator to the screwing of Americans by Washington. Now he's running on a platform of "change."

I wish Obama came from a different milieu than from Chicago's Democrat-party machine. The damage his liberal ideals could bring to the country really bothers me.

But I am willing to risk that against the chance that he will bring relief to a nation oppressed by Washington's special-interest groups, the ones who have bought our Congress and our Presidency including, in my opinion, John McCain.

I think Obama has the courage and the will to bring back America's middle class and make us feel good about ourselves again. That, alone, is worth the risk on the other issues. And if he doesn't, well, it's still likely to be much better than anymore raping of America by Bush/McCain.

To emphasize how different he wants us to believe his administration would be, McCain imports a moose-hunting, sex pot, soccer mom from Alaska with heavy ties to the oil industry who would receive on-the-job training as a potential President - the one who might assume the world's most difficult and critical responsibilities, complete with the power, for God's sake, to send our children to another war based on a personal whim and ambition, as did Bush.

That's most scary of all. Sarah Palin is 44 and menopause could begin at any time. Any man who's ever been subjected to a woman in menopause ought to be shuddering at the thought of the U.S. President with hot flashes, nausea, headaches, insomnia, urinary incontinence, vaginal discharge, breast changes, thinning of the skin, bone loss, and weight gain, all of which are listed as menopausal symptoms at eMedicineHealth.

If nothing else might have swung me to Obama, that in itself would do the trick.


  1. "Sarah Palin is 44 and menopause could begin at any time. Any man who's ever been subjected to a woman in menopause ought to be shuddering at the thought of the U.S. President with hot flashes, nausea, headaches, insomnia, urinary incontinence, vaginal discharge, breast changes, thinning of the skin, bone loss, and weight gain, all of which are listed as menopausal symptoms"

    I cant believe anyone would be narrow minded enough to think this, and stupid enough to say it out loud. Maybe I should be glad this is the worse thing anyone can say about the Dream Team.

  2. My wife, who's really quite intelligent, thought of the menopause problem. I merely dramatized it a bit.

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